The Village Landing Mission:
Village Landing USA, Inc. plans joint ventures with communities in building functional model old English apprenticeship villages for the purpose of developing the core values that have made us the greatest nation on earth. Each village will provide both the opportunity to grow as well as to serve on many levels and at all ages. Some of the life changing opportunities experienced through Village Landing will be:
Each of these are designed as "hands-on" growing experiences for youth as they take part in building and running their "very own village". Selected area leaders and professionals will supervise and teach these transferable workplace skills. Some of the skills that can be gained range from communication skills,money management, responsibility and respect.
Parents are offered the opportunity to have meaningful input into the place where their children spend their leisure time. Likewise, children can contribute in a real and meaningful way while learning the values that our founding fathers instilled in their children.
We invite seniors to contribute their vast wealth of lifetime experience and to allow the younger to experience your values, purpose and wisdom. Our youth of today will succeed much sooner if they have the resources of a lifetime you can offer them.
Aviaries, marine and animal care will provide avenues for the local community to handle animals that may not be cared for the way they need to be. This also provides unique experiences that will leave a lifetime of influence in caring as our Village members join together to take care of these awesome creatures.
In each village will be a "heritage center" where America's great statesmen will provide educational experiences through the recounting the basic principles under girding the founding and development of the United States using material from original documents of our founding fathers.
The village will also have a replica of the Mayflower floating on a pond to be used as a heritage theater in which drama teams will read the original testimonies of the founding fathers and the scriptures that molded their lives. In the hold of the Mayflower replica there will be a creation research laboratory and museum of the origins of the earth and universe. Who helps build this nautical playground? The kids do, investing in themselves and in their community. At a young age we will teach youth to build roots into their community for themselves and their generations to come.
Village Landing USA is presently in the process of building a national campaign that will bring hope to the nation and possibly usher in one of the worlds largest revivals. As people come forward to build and operate these "hands-on" villages, communities will flourish, friendships will be made, families will be strengthened and tomorrows leaders will learn to lead today.